Monday, 17 August 2015

Can CBD Prevent Viral Infections?

CBD is helpful in the prevention and the treatment of some viruses including covid and hepatitis C, but there are others that aren’t actually affected. There have been some in vitro studies and some controlled environments that suggest that this may be helpful for some viruses, but not for every single one of them out there. 

The Effectiveness in Studies 

Right now, studies show that the extracts of this, including CBD and the like, improve the natural response that’s there to treat along with the prevention of some viral infections. With the pandemic still being a big thing, there are studies that look at how effective the current medications are against the treatment of the COVID-19 virus.

CBD actually came out as a possible treatment for COVID due to the way it treats the symptoms, one of them being infection. It also lessens the symptoms of this, and it also prevents the replication of the virus within the lung cells of humans. Before this sudden surge of this information on it, there was some research already that was showing that CBD may be a good antiviral. It can help against hepatitis C, but not against hepatitis B viruses. 

It also found that it may help with Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpes viruses and it was also seen that it could actually trigger cell apoptosis as well. 

How this works 

While cannabis is something that’s been used for a long time as a specific kind of medicine, this is something that's only recently gained traction.

The different effects of this tend to be twofold. 

The first thing that it does is it helps with the inflammatory responses, so it prevents the autoimmune damage that’s out there. it then works directly with your immune system in order to replicate and prevent the way that the virus is spread. 

For COVID, it actually is something that does infect the host cells and replicate. 

It actually is used to stop the replication process of the covid virus.

In order for something to infect your cells, the virus needs to enter, and the SARSA-CO-V-2 was discovered when it binds directly to your ACE2 receptors, which is a protein that's found outside of the cells where humans are, and then the RNA gets in there to make the viral copies.

CBD and the metabolites of this actually prevent the RNA from getting into the host cells, and also prevents the genes from also being expressed as well. It also prevents the host cell from copying, but also it can destroy the RNA, and then, remove the entire infection.

For hepatitis C, this can lead to major damages, and usually, liver fibrosis is one of the big implications of this.

CBD can help directly with this. Since liver fibrosis occurs when the immune system attacks these healthy cells, this can actually prevent this damage from happening, destroying the tissue that’s there, and preventing the extracellular proteins from building up that would cause liver failure.

Right now, we don’t really know how deep this can get. It can, however, help with reducing the way that the hepatitis C cells do spread within the liver. 

Right now, the treatment is still in the in vitro stages, and it has yet to hit the clinical trials, the non-toxicity of the CBD and the oil itself also hints at this working as a form of antiviral treatment.

Some people have found that it works to put this on different sores, and also can work with chicken pox and cold sores, in order to spread the healing.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Cannabis for ADHD

If you’re interested in getting cannabis for ADHD, you’re not alone. If you struggle with this condition, cannabis may not be the first thing that you think of, but there are different strains that can help. Some people have ADHD that results in hyperfocus. Instead of not having issues with recognition, or even remembering various things, a person is almost hypervigilant in the environment that they have, resulting in higher sensitivity. The sights, the sounds, the tastes, and the smells all get noticed, all at the exact instance.

For those who are struggling with ADHD, they may have symptoms that are disruptive, causing behaviors that arne’t fully understood, or even accepted. There are some prescriptions to help with this, but some haven’t enjoyed using those for their problems. 

How cannabis can help 

For some people who have ADHD in the form of anxiety disorders and fidgeting, cannabis can help calm them down, and anxiety is considered a condition that’s legally qualified for cannabis. Some also may say that it works for their symptoms.

There are various types of cannabis strains, in fact, over 700 different ones, and some can be a bit more sedative, which is good for those who have a lot of head chattering, especially when trying to focus, or even trying to sleep.

Other ones can boost the mood, which is good for those who feel depressed when they have ADHD symptoms crop up.

There are different strains that can benefit you, and they definitely can be good for many.

Strains for Anxiety Relief 

Some people who have ADHD struggle with energy spikes and anxiety as well. As there is usually a lot that’s going on, it can sometimes be a lot, and some people struggle to stop moving when they have this condition.

Some people feel like they need to calm down a little bit, and settle into smaller, more calmer states of energy, and sometimes, you don't want to feel like sedated, but more focused and calm. 

The best strains to help for that include: 

  • Super lemon haze 

  • Sour breath 

  • Strawberry cough 

  • Harlequin GDP 

  • Reg Congolese 

  • Some lucid blue 

Some of these are sativa based though, so if you have a lot of creativity and bursts of energy, it can be a bit much for you. If you're struggling to find relief for this, you should be mindful. A little goes a long way with these kinds of strains.

Indica for ADHD

Some people feel better when they take indica strains, as they are better for quelling the mind and body, and usually, those that are dominant in indica can be a better option.

If you’re someone with a laundry list of things to do, you should avoid indica for sedation too, since that’ll just make you feel couch locked. 

You may, however, want to consider this, especially if you’ve got some racing thoughts.

The best ones for that job do include: 

  • Sour diesel 

  • Harlequin 

  • Harle-Tsu 

  • Blackjack 

  • Star Master Kush 

  • Fire Alien Strawberry 

Some of these may be important to look at, as you might find one that’s good for moderating symptoms.

You should also consider using a CBD strain for ADHD, as they can calm the body down, and they usually are good for making sure that you have a calming experience, but also aren’t feeling super jittery.

A strain that’s full spectrum is the best, or you might want to pick one that’s pure CBD, because that might be the better option to help with treating your ADHD symptoms, and improving this as well.